
What is HIMfoSec?

HIMfoSec is a community for Biblically minded information security professionals to connect. HIMfoSec's mission is to bring glory to God through our contributions to the cyber security industry by bringing scripture and a Biblical world view into HIMfoSec's members careers. 

Why was HIMfoSec created?

HIMfoSec was created to let information security professionals know that they can have their careers in this industry while still honoring God and recognizing Biblical truth. HIMfoSec members believe the Bible is a complete instruction book for life and has lessons that can apply even today. Some of today’s most popular information security publications and podcasts have fallen into and promoted societal lies. This threatens to exclude or push new and existing information security professionals away from the industry if they do not agree with these views. HIMfoSec is here to let believers know they are not alone, not everyone in the industry believes these societal lies, and there are many others just like them out there looking to connect.

Verses to apply at work

Books for Biblical professionals

The 'Official' HIMfoSec Podcast

About Me - Justin Bumpus, Founder

My name is Justin Bumpus and I am currently a Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer in Nashville. I have been working in IT and information security for 16 years across several industries. I am a husband and father, martial arts instructor, and Christ follower. My family attends church at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro Tennessee. I have a passion for shepherding, connecting with others, and sharing the truth of the Bible through my actions. My goal is to further the information security community by mentoring, outreach, and volunteering in and around Middle Tennessee.